Obama’s Anti-Semitic Youth Vote

Young Obama voters in Chicago were out celebrating the election results on on State Steet Tuesday night. They look like college kids, so one presumes they were excited about the free condoms, cheap college loans and Obamaphones. But some were also happy to support the President’s anti-Israel stance: “No more Israel!”

WARNING: Offensive language.
[Sorry, this yute’s favorite word starts with a “F” and ends with a “K.”]

[Video from Atlas Shrugs via Rebel Pundit]

Just more evidence of what passes for education in today’s institutions of higher learning; 😯 opinions formed and votes cast based on revisionist history.
Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs is equally disgusted:

Clearly, their history classes skipped over the San Remo conference (where England, France, Italy, and Japan, with the United States as an observer, divided the Ottoman Empire into three mandates: Iraq, Syria and Israel [Palestine]), the Balfour Agreement and the White Paper. Not to mention the bloody wars fought and won defending the Jewish state against relentless Muslim armies, or the 5,773 years of Jewish history in their homeland. What’s sadder? These thugs and goons, or Obama’s encouragement of this dangerous imbecility?


Now the Lord said to Abraham…
… I will make you a great nation;
I will bless you and make your name great;
And you shall be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you…

~ Genesis 12:2-3 ~

Israel and U.S. on a Collision Course?
Maybe these young Obots can go join in the fun in Jerusalem: Arab Muslims are torching cars and throwing stones at Jewish neighbors

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