Media Malpractice: Obamanation

During the course of administration, and in order to disturb it, the artillery of the press has been levelled against us, charged with whatsoever its licentiousness could devise or dare. These abuses of an institution so important to freedom and science are deeply to be regretted, inasmuch as they tend to lessen its usefulness and to sap its safety.
~ Thomas Jefferson ~
Ask any conservative who the worst president in American history is and the answer will undoubtedly be the man-child currently residing at 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue. Insidiously compounding the country’s woes though, propping up every gaffe, bad decision and disaster he’s facilitated, have been the sycophants in the mainstream media. But for their dereliction of duty in vetting Obama in the first place, we might not be standing on the edge a financial cliff, radical Islamists at our back and the wrath of God ahead of us.
A couple weeks ago, Accuracy In Media (AIM) held a day-long conference; “Obamanation; a Day of Truth,” which focused on major issues concerning the Obama administration that have largely been misreported, underreported or ignored by the mainstream press. Considering the mountains of B.S. they’ve been shoveling for the last four years – there’s enough material for a month-long event, but there were clearly time constraints involved since the election is right around the corner.
Right Side News has a detailed re-cap of the conference: The Media is the Real Enemy. Speakers included:

Dr. Betsy McCaughey, former Lt. Governor of New York, perhaps the foremost expert on Obamacare, President, Defend Your Healthcare ~

Dr. McCaughey described in detail how Obamacare is going to ruin Medicare. She again raised the specter of death panels and explained that Obamacare requires extreme cuts to Medicare that will necessitate commensurate cuts in healthcare services to seniors. Some of the life-saving procedures that are routine today will become completely unavailable, and the necessary rationing will begin.


Andrew McCarthy, journalist, author of The Grand Jihad & Spring Fever, former federal prosecutor, co-author, Shariah: The Threat to America, and;
Frank Gaffney, president Center for Security Policy, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy under Reagan, co-author of Shariah: The Threat to America.
Both men spoke about the clear and present danger that America faces from radical Islam – at home as well as abroad. They focused especially on the Muslim Brotherhood and its strategic plan of a “civilization-jihadist process…a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within” by our hands.
McCarthy also spoke about the administration’s casual disregard for the rule of law ~

“What we’re seeing in this administration, is not only an out-of-whack choice about what their priorities ought to be, but the actual use of political philosophy in deciding who gets prosecuted, and how cases get conducted—and that, for somebody who’s been inside the Justice Department, is an unbelievable thing…If you have a situation where the Justice Department is using politics in the actual enforcement of the law, then you don’t have the rule of law anymore, and you don’t have equal protection under the law anymore.”


During the AIM conference, Andrew McCarthy was interviewed about
his latest book: “Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy.”

“Arab Spring” is a narrative that’s counter-reality. It wasn’t a spontaneous
outbreak of democracy, it was an ascendancy of Islamic supremacy.

Bishop E.W. Jackson, Sr. founder of Exodus Faith Ministries, Chesapeake, Va., candidate, U.S. Senate from Virginia, 2012, President of S.T.A.N.D. ~

Jackson spoke on religious liberty and the Constitution, noting how the Obama administration demonstrates contempt for the Constitution every day. “I think we are being led by people who don’t respect our Constitution. They just fundamentally don’t think it’s important.”

Pat Caddell, former Democratic pollster turned mainstream political critic, who actually declared the main stream media “the Enemy,” citing by name the Washington Post, the New York Times, ABC, NBC and CBS ~

“I think we’re at the most dangerous time in our political history in terms of the balance of power in the role that the media plays in whether or not we maintain a free democracy… the overwhelming bias has become very real and very dangerous.”

If the illustrious members of the fourth estate hadn’t totally abdicated their responsibilities over the last decade or more Obama would be impeached by now. Better yet, he never would have made it into the Oval Office.
Check out the videos from the Sept. 21st conference, available both at Right Side News and AIM’s website.
The Media Research Center is also a great place to get the truth about media spin, fabrication and general malpractice.

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