Mission Possible: Flip the Senate!


Whether we succeed in replacing the “empty chair” with an actual president in November or not, we can’t lose focus on the other critical goals; holding on to the House, and re-taking the Senate. If – God forbid – Obama is reelected, a strong Republican Congress will be crucial to containing any further damage by the progressives. And if Romney does get in, he’ll need Congress behind him to make any significant changes; shrink government, save us from going off the fiscal cliff and restore prosperity.
Well aware of those realities, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) has been working tirelessly to establish a conservative presence in the Senate. And those efforts are making a difference.
Although they don’t yet have the political clout, current conservative senators are definitely making their voices heard. Some really good news today from Heritage ~

A group of Senate conservatives has gathered enough support to block any treaties that come up for a vote during the lame duck session.
A total of 37 Senators pledged, in a letter drafted by Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Pat Toomey (R-PA) to Majority and Minority leaders Harry Reid (D-NV) and Mitch McConnell (R-KY), to “oppose efforts to consider a treaty during” the lame duck session.
Because treaties require a two-thirds majority in the Senate to reach the president’s desk, the group of Senators will be able to block any treaties considered after the Nov. 6 election.
“The writers of the Constitution clearly believed that all treaties presented to the Senate should undergo the most thorough scrutiny before being agreed upon,” the letter states. “The American people will be electing representatives and senators in November, and the new representatives carrying the election mandate should be afforded the opportunity to review and consider any international agreements that are outstanding at the time of their election.”

This means they can kill the Law of the Sea Treaty, a huge victory for American sovereignty!
Conservatives are also standing up to the EPA and the war on coal. And their efforts are catching on in the House: House votes to rein in ‘war on coal’ after latest round of industry layoffs. Although it’s probably for political expediency, even some Dems are getting behind this common sense approach.


DeMint’s Senate Conservative Fund has been successfully supporting the most promising candidates for the last few years; no RINOs allowed!

SCF seeks to bring bold conservative leadership to Washington by supporting candidates who have the courage to fight for the timeless conservative principles of limited government, strong national defense, and traditional family values.
Before we endorse candidates, we research their backgrounds and records, conduct face-to-face interviews, and confirm their willingness to fight for conservative principles. We also verify their support for the following policy goals:
Balance the Budget – SCF candidates will support a constitutional amendment to balance the federal budget without raising taxes.
Repeal ObamaCare
Secure the Borders – The federal government has failed to enforce our nation’s immigration laws. SCF candidates will seal the borders and oppose all forms of amnesty.
Defend the 2nd Amendment – The 2nd Amendment protects our ability to keep and bear arms. SCF candidates will oppose all efforts to restrict this right.
Stop Corporate Bailouts – Bailouts force taxpayers to reward failure and punish success. SCF candidates will stop bailouts and force corporations to compete.
Ban Earmarks – Congressional earmarks are a gateway drug to higher spending. SCF candidates will ban earmarks and break Washington’s addiction to pork.
Establish Term Limits – Our country is being destroyed by career politicians. SCF candidates will support a constitutional amendment establishing congressional term limits.
Protect Human Life – Human life is precious and it must be protected. SCF candidates will stop all taxpayer funding for abortion.
This vetting process protects our members from wasting their money on liberal Republicans and it maximizes their ability to truly change the U.S. Senate.


Conservatives will vote for Mitt regardless of his low “enthusiasm factor.”
But Senator DeMint’s conservative principles and candidates are something we can really get excited about!
Please consider supporting this hugely important cause: Senate Conservative Fund. You can donate to specific individuals – there are presently 8 solid conservatives (AZ,IN,MD,NE,OH,PA,TX,VA) – or to the general fund.
Imagine the look on Harry Reid’s face on November 6th when Republicans take the Senate 😯 — priceless!

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