Cultural Decline & the “Gaga Factor”

Google “Lady Gaga” and you’ll find a plethora of really bizarro images, each one stranger than the next. Seriously, this poor woman seems to be suffering from a terminal case of identity crisis.
But look beyond the in-your-face exhibitionism and you find what she’s really doing is broadcasting – at full volume – her own version of reality; it’s a world where nothing is essentially good, and virtually anything goes.
In case you haven’t noticed, it’s a full-frontal assault on traditional values. And it’s an attitude, a belief system, that is rapidly permeating western civilization.
Which is why, just when we think modern-day culture can’t possibly sink any lower, we realize we’re sadly mistaken. Brace yourself.
Brent Bozell discusses the next “new normal” being foisted on society in his commentary: “Incest and Pedophilia, the New Frontier” ~

Hollywood’s march to tear down — to obliterate, really — every boundary of sexual decency should compel even the harshest accusers of social conservatives like Rick Santorum to apologize profusely. They were wrong to mock conservatives for warning of the extremes, as we’re lurching so quickly and easily into the darkest “love who you want” extremes of the Lifestyle Left.

Bozell includes a quote from Nick Cassavetes, director of a new film I’ll be sure to avoid (“Yellow”), who thinks incest may really not be all that bad:

“I’m not saying this is an absolute, but in a way, if you’re not having kids — Who gives a damn? Love who you want. Isn’t that what we say? Gay marriage — love who you want? If it’s your brother or sister, it’s super weird, but if you look at it, you’re not hurting anybody, except every single person who freaks out because you’re in love with one another.”

So Old Nick (thought the name seemed rather fitting) figures what the heck? “This whole movie is about judgment, and lack of it and doing what you want. Who gives a s—- if people judge you?”
Sure, rather than being ashamed of your own perverted proclivities, shame the rest of us for being “judgemental.”
Equally horrifying are new voices we’re starting to hear, whispering maybe pedophiles are just “born that way.”
A recent article published at “Gawker,” a gossip website, was subtitled “Sympathy and Science for Those Who Want to Have Sex With Children;”

“a growing number of researchers, many of them out of Canada, whose work suggests that pedophilia is an illness deserving of the public’s sympathy the way any brain disorder is. Some of the scientists say pedophilia is a sexual orientation, meaning that it’s unchangeable, regardless of how much jail time or beatings or therapy someone is dealt.”

Following this opinion to its logical conclusion, everyone sitting in prison today was “born that way,” that is with an innate desire to do the wrong thing. The difference between the criminals (including those who just haven’t been caught yet) and the rest of society, is the degree to which each of us succumb to those desires.
The truth is the “way” we are all born is with original sin. We are all tempted in different directions, and to varying degrees, to do the wrong thing.
But we were also born with free will, the ability to chose between right and wrong, good and evil. We have God’s word to teach us the difference, and we have His Holy Spirit to rely on when temptation comes.
As Bozell concludes:

Jesus would embrace every sinner … who is ashamed of his sin. Shame and judgment have been banished in most of our pop culture.

“In those days… everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”
~ Judges 17:6 ~

BreakPoint articles ~
God Made Me This Way ~ Regis Nicoll

Setting aside the moral arguments about same-sex desire, from physiological considerations alone, it is disordered because it is contrary to the function its “form” is intended to serve.

Outraged for Christ: What Is Our Response to Lady Gaga and Other Heretics?
~ Stan Guthrie

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