Thanks George – Glad you’re on the RIGHT side of this issue!

Up-date – 3-16-12: George Clooney arrested in planned protest at Sudanese embassy ~ Actor intended to be arrested in Washington, DC demonstration to plea for action against human rights abuses in Sudan.
Not so sure the cause is furthered by antics like this. Rather tawdry tactics for such a noble goal. Must be the Leftist in him.


Well knock me over with a feather. If you’d asked me yesterday to say something good about George Clooney I’d have drawn a blank. Well OK, he wasn’t bad as Batman, or in the “Ocean’s” movies… but he is featured in Jason Mattera’s new book “Hollywood Hypocrites” and he’s a charter member of Discover the Network’s Leftwing Millionare’s Club.
A Bush-basher, gun-control advocate, enviro-nut… Clooney’s pretty much on board with all the Leftist causes.

So even though I was aware of his activism on behalf of the victims of civil war in the Sudan, I was still taken aback to hear him speak out against the ongoing persecution of Christians in that country.
While the msm obsesses over Sandra Fluke, birth control and getting Rush Limbaugh off the air, Khartoum’s National Congress Party (NCP) headed by Omar Hassan al-Bashir has been brutally obsessed with ethnic cleansing in southern Sudan.
For over two decades Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) has been involved with efforts to end the violence and suffering in this war-torn area. He recently issued a report summarizing his February trip to South Sudan:

Sudan has been ravaged by war intermittently for nearly four decades. More than 2 million people have perished from war and famine-related deaths from civil war pitting the Khartoum government against black Christians and others in the southern half of the country.
In January 2005, after two-and-a-half years of negotiations, and the tireless efforts of former U.S. Senator John Danforth, appointed by President George W. Bush as special envoy to Sudan, the North and the South signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signaling an end to the 21-year civil war. Hopes were high for the future, especially among the people of South Sudan who longed for autonomy, peace and basic human rights.

However, for the last couple of years;

…it has become painfully apparent that the government in Khartoum is again engaged in a brutal campaign against its own people in the north, specifically in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states, which border South Sudan. The ensuing crisis has resulted in thousands of people fleeing the violence and crossing the border into South Sudan. [The suffering of the Nuba Mountain people has been particularly intense]
Since coming to power, Khartoum’s National Congress Party (NCP) has employed scorched earth tactics against various marginalized groups within its borders.


Samaritan’s Purse, Franklin Graham’s organization has also been involved in the Sudanese humanitarian crisis for years; providing food, shelter, clean water, agriculture assistance, education, church reconstruction, medical aid, and vocational training programs.
In February two Heiban Bible College buildings that they had helped construct were destroyed by bombs ~

Over the past 10 years, Samaritan’s Purse has supported Christians in the Nuba region, building 168 churches while providing aid through agricultural, educational and clean water projects. Since 1993, Samaritan’s Purse has spent some $100 million helping the Sudanese people and has rebuilt 478 churches since 2005.
“My prayer is that the world will not just sit by and watch and hope for the best,” Graham said, “but make it clear to the government of Sudan that attacks like these will not be tolerated.”



To his credit, Clooney has been a vocal opponent of Sudanese genocide for years. In his effort to raise awareness of the present crisis he met with our “Christian” President yesterday. Considering the fact that Franklin Graham was disinvited from the Pentagon prayer event for the National Day of Prayer in 2010, and Obama is really busy with his re-election propaganda campaign (and his NCAA basketball bracket) right now, we’ll be prayerfully waiting to see how that pans out.
But God bless the efforts of Clooney, Samaritan’s Purse and everyone involved with trying to bring an end to this tragic situation.


On assignment: Ann Curry’s photographs from Sudan’s Nuba Mountains ~ Feb. 29th photo-essay by NBC news anchor (refreshingly objective)
On the Ground ~ A blog by Nicholas D. Kristof of the NY Times, includes several recent entries from his trip to Sudan.
George Clooney: A Partner in Christian Aid? ~ CBN News story and video interview with Clooney
Satellite Sentinel Project ~ George Clooney’s organization; the first sustained public effort to systematically monitor and report on potential hotspots and threats to human security in near real-time. The following video was released on March 14th [Warning – GRAPHIC images]:


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4 Responses to Thanks George – Glad you’re on the RIGHT side of this issue!

  1. Pingback: Celebrating Trump’s victory – in Sudan | Designs on the Truth

  2. Hamza Musa says:

    Thank you George and John, this is an amazing video. I’m from Nuba Mountains and Just registered a nonprofit organization in the United States dedicated to help people in Nuba Mts and Blue Nile States. I would appreciate if I can you use your video for my website.


    Hamza Musa, Executive Director of Kulu Development

  3. Hamza Musa says:

    Thank you so much!

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