Military Under Attack on all Fronts

The war on the U.S. military continues unabated – and the assaults are coming not just from our declared enemies. Many are really guerrilla attacks from within.
First off, we have cuts in defense spending –
The wonderful new debt ceiling legislation will probably end up gutting the military. As The Foundry reported Monday:

There should be no doubt in the minds of anyone in Congress or the public at large that the policy established by the debt ceiling law will strip the military of its ability to secure the vital interests of the United States. The law, unless it is altered or repealed, will do irreparable harm to the United States military.


Next, there’s this cheery news:

The Air Force has banned a class on the Christian-based “Just War Theory” because the class used verses from the Bible.
“Just War Theory” has been a part of Western civilization since the days of St. Augustine in the 5th century A.D. It uses the abiding standards of the word of God to help members of the military determine when the use of lethal force against an enemy of this country is morally legitimate and helps them to know how to use that force in a morally just way.
The class has been taught for more than two decades at Vandenberg Air Force base, and has been an important source of perspective for those who have their fingers on the missile launchers that protect our liberties.
But because of noisy complaints from secular fundamentalists the class has now been shelved, and our military has been robbed of the moral guidance of the Scriptures.
Rather than fight for religious liberty, the Air Force meekly suspended the entire class the day the complaint was filed.


[You can contact Congress on this issue via the AFA (American Family Association) HERE.]

Am I detecting an anti-Christian agenda here? Army approves atheism-themed concert at Fort Bragg.
(Whatever happened to “there aren’t any atheists in foxholes”?)
Although we do seem to make exceptions for jihadists:
It’s been almost two years (11-09) and the case against Muslim Army Major Hasan has still not been prosecuted! But never fear – our government has managed to do this: Fort Hood shooting first responders laid off due to budget cuts.
And there was this dude just a couple weeks ago: AWOL Soldier Arrested in What Police Say Was New Fort Hood Terror Plot ~ Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo 21, was found with weapons, explosives and jihadist materials at the time of his arrest.
Apparently we learned absolutely nothing from Hasan’s murderous rampage…

Then of course there’s the disastrous repeal of DADT – jammed through Congress with little or no regard for the impact on our troops:
How Congress Was Duped into Repealing Military Gay Ban
The DADT Repeal Whitewash
The Military is NOT Ready for the DADT Repeal: No matter what the spin. They Cannot Address the Questions from the Front line Leaders or front line members!
How exactly is any of this in line with the Fed’s responsibility to provide for the common defense? Sorry guys – no God, no funding, just be happy, be gay and hug the terrorist in the bunk next to yours. And be prepared to risk your lives for um… “political correctness” – on a shoestring budget.
What a travesty.

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2 Responses to Military Under Attack on all Fronts

  1. Thank you for trying to get the truth out, this is a disaster, and it is meant to be one, but some of those in charge really don’t care for the US Military, and would like to harm it.

    That we have guys in uniform that go along with it, well you can judge what to think of that…

    And it is worse, this king of special treatment goes back decades:

    • m.k.wojcik says:

      Thanks – I have nothing but respect for our troops. They have to find the courage to deal with their primary mission of defending the country – and then worry about being undermined from within. And half the top brass only cares about playing politics.
      What a cluster!

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