It’s Mourning in America; but God’s Truth is Eternal

I never thought I’d see the day that Americans would vote for their own country’s demise… but here we are.
We’ve actually reached the point when a majority of our fellow citizens neither know nor care about history, and no longer subscribe to the faith of our founding fathers.
Yet, while America’s role as a beacon of freedom and light in the world may be finished… we believers know that our Redeemer – the One True Light – lives.
Like many of you, I’ve lost my faith in the majority of our leaders and sadly, in America herself. But never in Him.


We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.
And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ.
This is the true God and eternal life. Amen
~ John 1:19-20 ~


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2 Responses to It’s Mourning in America; but God’s Truth is Eternal

  1. Charlene says:

    I feel this way now after the 2020 Elections also!!! Donald Trump may not have been perfect, but was perfect for job of President of the US, and had the election stolen, but this too was part of God’s plan for such a sinful nation, and I believe is the beginning of the very end before Christ’s return to a world gone so far out of control in terrible sin. We’ve seen the Lord show His wrath before in biblical history and we’ve reached the point of no return AGAIN and He is giving us enough rope to hang ourselves with. We will just NOT repent of our sinful ways as He wants us to. We are a stiff necked nation and have turned away from a relationship with Jesus and HE IS MAD!!! I don’t blame Him, but worry about what is to come. You can FEEL the pending doom. Never did I ever think I would be alive during the End Times, but they sure are upon us. Jesus I’m ready to come Home! Please come for your believers! Amen!

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